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Homemade Limoncello

Yields1 ServingPrep Time15 mins

 500 ml EverClear Grain Alcohol
 250 ml Purified Water
 12 Large Organic Lemons
 ½ tbsp Lightly Cracked Fresh Black Peppercorns
 1 cup Granulated Sugar
 1 cup Water, Just Boiled

Wash the lemons well. Peel them in wide strips, avoiding the white pith.


Place the lemon peels in a large glass jar and set aside.


In a 4 cup measuring glass, pour 500 ml of EverClear and add 250 ml of purified water.


Pour the alcohol mix into the glass jar with the peels.


Cut a small piece of cheesecloth and place the cracked peppercorns on top. Tie the cheesecloth into a little pouch and drop into the jar. Allow the peppercorns to soak in the mixture for 1-2 days, then remove.


Seal the jar and set aside on a counter where it will not be disturbed much. Leave for 7-10 days or longer, if desired.


Once you feel your limoncello is ready, open the jar and strain out the peels.


If desired, strain the mixture through cheesecloth again to eliminate any additional particles.


Make simple syrup by adding 1 cup granulated sugar to 1 cup boiled water and stir until dissolved. Allow to cool before combining with the alcohol. Pour the limoncello into glass bottles and store in the fridge or freezer. It can keep in the fridge for up to a month.

This recipe makes about 4 1/2 cups.