• A Fool for Fruit

    If you know me at all, you know I am a bit of an Anglophile. I have never actually been to England, but I love British movies, TV shows and books. I am particularly fond of British murder mysteries. My husband worries that I am watching them for planning purposes. I also have a few British food blogs that I follow. One of my favorites is www.vikalinka.com. Vikalinka was started by Julia Frey, who is a London-based recipe developer and photographer. She has amazing recipes, photos and videos that are often tempting to me. Last summer, she posted a recipe for Blackberry Fool and I saved it to try. Julia…

  • Losing my Patience & Finding it Again

    It’s been kind of a week here. Nothing overtly bad, just a constant dribble of annoyances – Every. Darn. Day. I think it’s a symptom of the times, a pandemic slump of sorts. I have said from the beginning that one thing we are learning during this epidemic is patience. But mine has been severely tested this week. It started with a missing package. I was SURE I had received and unpacked it and the items were just misplaced in the house. I begged and even bribed my kids to help me find it, only to have it slowly dawn on me that it hasn’t ever arrived. I ordered it…