• The Need for Comfort

    Last week, I shared with you some of the reality of this extended pandemic. Nerves have been frayed and patience tested. If you were to go by social media, we should all be enjoying one another’s company, braiding each other’s hair and generally having one great big Hallmark movie moment together. We have indeed had some fun, and at first it was a relief to have a small break from the daily grind and running hither and yon. But here we are, months in. Summer is almost over and now the struggle over what to do for school is looming large. Here in NC, our governor has said kids should…

  • Losing my Patience & Finding it Again

    It’s been kind of a week here. Nothing overtly bad, just a constant dribble of annoyances – Every. Darn. Day. I think it’s a symptom of the times, a pandemic slump of sorts. I have said from the beginning that one thing we are learning during this epidemic is patience. But mine has been severely tested this week. It started with a missing package. I was SURE I had received and unpacked it and the items were just misplaced in the house. I begged and even bribed my kids to help me find it, only to have it slowly dawn on me that it hasn’t ever arrived. I ordered it…

  • Blueberry Buttermilk Biscuits

    When we first moved to North Carolina, we were introduced to the Southern delights of Bojangles’. This delightful fast food restaurant that started in Charlotte, NC serves spicy fried chicken, chicken strips and biscuits. They make savory breakfast biscuit sandwiches and our personal favorite, BoBerry Biscuits. BoBerry Biscuits are a flaky biscuit bedazzled with blueberries and topped with a vanilla glaze. They are a delicious treat we get occasionally on weekends or on road trips. Since I recently started making biscuits in my cast iron skillet, I began to think about making my own blueberry biscuits at home. We could have them anytime and make a good thing even better!…

  • Butter My Biscuits

    I am not going to lie, January is kind of kicking our butts so far. Between illness and first semester finals, we have been riding the struggle bus. In fact, I attempted a completely different meal for this blog and it went awry, so I resorted to some good ol’ comfort food. Believe it or not, I have never actually made biscuits from scratch, but we love them, so I thought I would give it a whirl. This is one of those recipes that every respectable Southern cook has in their arsenal. If you look for a recipe online, you will find a million and two. Most recipes start with…