• Rolling with It

    I had a different plan for the blog this week. But as we muddle through this strange time, I am learning to embrace each moment and let go of the things that really don’t matter. Just this morning, my dad and I donned face masks and gloves and braved a trip through BJ’s for paper goods and a few other essentials. Our face masks were from a protective set I bought at Home Depot a few years ago and never used. They were closer to the N95 type than a fabric mask and I must say the experience made me greatly appreciate the healthcare workers that have to wear them…

  • Last Taste of Summer

    This weekend is Labor Day, the unofficial last hurrah of summer. Some lucky folks may be making a break for the beach, while others might be enjoying a family cook out. However people choose to celebrate the weekend, I am sure many people will be enjoying the last tastes of summer while they still can. One final treat to enjoy before the summer’s really over is sweet corn. Here in North Carolina, we are at the end of the season, but it is still plenty tasty. My girls still have braces on their teeth, so we haven’t had much corn straight off the cob in over a year, but it…