• “Salad” for Dessert

    We are into our 4th or 5th gallon of strawberries from our local farmers. I am actually having to swoop in to grab enough for any recipe before they are gone. It’s kinda nuts up in here. But every year, around this time, I see people popping up on social media requesting recipes for Strawberry Pretzel Salad. I was intrigued and decided to investigate. Said salad is not a salad at all. It is a delicious creamy dessert. The question arises, why in the world is this called a salad? I think it goes back to the days of church potlucks, where jellied “salads” brought together gelatin and fruits, sometimes…

  • Warming Yourself From the Inside Out

    This has been quite the weather week for most of the country. Thankfully, here in the Raleigh area, all we have gotten is cold rain – LOTS of cold rain. It is the perfect weather for a big pot of comforting soup. We have always liked chicken tortilla soup, especially when it’s creamy. I found a recipe for just such a thing hiding in my saved files and thought we would give it a try. The recipe comes from www.thecookierookie.com. Her recipe can be made with uncooked chicken breasts, or with cooked rotisserie chicken. I had a package of pulled rotisserie chicken I had recently bought at Costco just waiting…

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  • Potatoes Romanoff

    I hope you had a very Merry Christmas. We had a very nice holiday that centered around faith, friends, family, and, of course, food. Like many families, we have food traditions. Christmas Day and Easter, we have ham and Potatoes Romanoff. The other sides may change, but the ham and potatoes are biannual favorites. I am really not sure of the origins of Potatoes Romanoff, nor do I know if these rich, cheesy potatoes have any connection to the Russian Romanoff family, but I do know they are delicious. Traditionally, my mom makes the potatoes and hosts the family meals at her house, but this year she is fighting some…