• Last Minute Goodies

    I must confess, March sure did sneak up on me. One minute it was wet and rainy February, then suddenly it’s March, with daffodils blooming and the sun shining – finally. With the first week of March comes my birthday, which also sneaks up on me faster each year. We are a little stir-crazy in our house, as we are still doing school virtually and my husband has permanently moved his office into the house. So, we are getting away for my birthday and I am very much looking forward to it. So much so, I almost forgot to cook something for the blog this week. Oops. I thought I…

  • When in Doubt, Bake

    Our family is especially fond of rhubarb, that strange vegetable/fruit that looks like prehistoric celery. Technically, this is rhubarb season, though it doesn’t grow well here in North Carolina. About this time of year, my mom makes rhubarb freezer jam for our families. It is a family favorite and the only jam my father can safely eat, as he is allergic to most fruits. When we lived in the Midwest, rhubarb was plentiful and fairly cheap. Now we have to special order it through a fruit wholesaler. But it is well worth it. If you would like to know how we make the jam, you can find my blog post…