• Apple Butter Magic

    I am still loving the apples. I have made my second batch of applesauce already. The apple turnovers lasted about a day. But there is so much more magic to be made with these delicious humble apples, the jewel of the season. Lately, when I mention making applesauce, everyone asks, “What about Apple Butter?” Well, honestly, I have never made apple butter. I love it, and there is something ultimately comforting about it, but I guess I assumed it was really complicated. I imagined it being a complex recipe requiring canning, which still scares me too much to try. But I began to research apple butter and it turns out…

  • Love Muffins

    Valentine’s Day is upon us and with that comes many mixed feelings. Some love it, many others loathe it. What started as a simple card-giving holiday has morphed into an expectation of grand gestures and declarations. Every elementary student is now expected to provide a card for every person in their class, preferably with a non-offensive, non-allergy-causing treat attached. Oi, the pressure! Honestly, I am delighted that practice died out once my girls hit middle school. We generally keep it pretty low-key in our house. No fancy dinners out (who wants those crowds?) and no giant floral bouquets are required. My poor husband doesn’t buy me many flowers these days,…