• Recipe Repeats

    Time flies, as they say, and I realize that I have been writing this blog for almost 3 years now and have yet to repeat a recipe. I am not saying this as a point of pride, but rather an observation. Many food bloggers are great at repeating content, and changing and improving recipes at they go. Since Easter is this week, we will be having our traditional family meal of baked ham and Potatoes Romanoff. I have shared this recipe before, as we also have Potatoes Romanoff for Christmas. So, I thought I would revisit the recipe with one small tweak. Potatoes Romanoff is a deliciously rich dish of…

  • Is It Shepherd’s Pie or Cottage Pie?

    I am a day late and a dollar short on just about everything lately. I skipped the blog entirely last week, so I missed the opportunity to talk about all things Irish for St. Patrick’s Day. I did, however, make a meal attributed to the Irish for this week’s blog. While Shepherd’s Pie popped up on all kinds of food sites last week for St. Patrick’s Day, it is actually thought to have originated in England or Scotland as an economic meal and an easy way to use up leftovers. Shepherd’s Pie comes from sheep country and traditionally contained minced lamb. The recipe I used to adapt my own calls…

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  • Seasonal Fries

    Apples aren’t the only seasonal thing in at the farmers market. Root vegetables are also having their moment. Sweet potatoes in particular are in abundance. There are many ways to serve up sweet potatoes – bake them, roast them, stick ‘em in a stew. But sweet potato fries are always a crowd pleaser. We have been having a debate in our house since last year about whether or not to purchase an air fryer. I am generally all for the latest kitchen gadgets that make cooking easier. But it appears that most air fryers are large, countertop appliances and my counter space is already at a premium. Last week, many…

  • Potatoes Romanoff

    I hope you had a very Merry Christmas. We had a very nice holiday that centered around faith, friends, family, and, of course, food. Like many families, we have food traditions. Christmas Day and Easter, we have ham and Potatoes Romanoff. The other sides may change, but the ham and potatoes are biannual favorites. I am really not sure of the origins of Potatoes Romanoff, nor do I know if these rich, cheesy potatoes have any connection to the Russian Romanoff family, but I do know they are delicious. Traditionally, my mom makes the potatoes and hosts the family meals at her house, but this year she is fighting some…

  • The Family Fry Guy

    Last Saturday was National Fry Day, and I was lucky enough to spend it with my brother Lawrence, who happens to be our family Fry Guy. While this post may be a week overdue for that celebration, fries are always a good idea and he graciously shared his secrets with me while we were there. My brother has spent years perfecting Pommes Frites at home, a delicious ode to the potato. They are perfectly cooked and tender on the inside and crispy and browned on the outside. When Lawrence lived here in town, we were lucky enough to have them at least a couple of times a year. Now that…

  • Grab-and-Go Omelette Cups

    Our youngest daughter is taking her EOG (End of Grade) tests this week at school, and a good breakfast is essential to get the brain up and running. While I would love to make her a full breakfast every morning, that would mean waking up at 5 a.m. I love her, but not THAT much. (Kidding, of course.) An easy solution to this problem is to make something ahead of time that can be heated quickly and eaten when needed. Eggs are an excellent source or protein and when turned into breakfast muffins, they make the perfect grab-and-go solution. If you look on Pinterest or Google, you will find a…