• Fried Green Tomatoes

    I love tomatoes in every shape and form from cherry tomatoes to big fat heirloom tomatoes – eaten raw, served on salads, and sandwiches like the classic Tomato Sandwich, and cooked in sauces. Most of these forms of tomato-goodness are simple to create at home. But one type of tomato, the Southern specialty Fried Green Tomatoes, has always intimidated me. I love them in restaurants, served as an appetizer or on a sandwich with bacon and pimento cheese. But I have never been brave enough to try them at home. Until now. Incidentally, it’s origins are not originally Southern. What?!? Yep, apparently the origins of the recipe can be traced…

  • Tomato Season

    I have just returned home from another great mission trip to New York City. I had a wonderful time and that city wins over more of my heart each time I am there. But I got home just in time to catch the peak of tomato season at the farmer’s market. There are so many beautiful, delicious varieties right now, it’s hard to control my tomato-lovin’ self. While vine-ripened regular tomatoes large and small are all great right now, this is really the time to savor heirloom varieties. So, what’s all the hype with heirlooms? Are they really better and worth the higher price tag? My personal opinions is that…