• How Grammie Got Her Groove Back

    We officially have one more family member in the house. Our daughter had her beautiful baby girl on October 28th. Needless to say, we have been in a time loop ever since. We are all extremely sleep deprived, but madly in love with sweet little Penelope. Spending time in the kitchen has definitely taken a back seat to helping with the baby. Thankfully, we have been blessed with meal deliveries from church friends and family. That has been amazing. As we have been slowly starting to get a routine, I have been trying to squeeze in some of our holiday favorites. I made some Slow Cooker Applesauce, and a batch…

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  • Apple Butter Magic

    I am still loving the apples. I have made my second batch of applesauce already. The apple turnovers lasted about a day. But there is so much more magic to be made with these delicious humble apples, the jewel of the season. Lately, when I mention making applesauce, everyone asks, “What about Apple Butter?” Well, honestly, I have never made apple butter. I love it, and there is something ultimately comforting about it, but I guess I assumed it was really complicated. I imagined it being a complex recipe requiring canning, which still scares me too much to try. But I began to research apple butter and it turns out…

  • Apple Season

    The air is cooler now, and leaves are beginning to turn bright red, orange and yellow. It’s my favorite time of year. For many people, this is apple-picking season. In a way, it is for me, too – I pick them up from the farmers market. The Raleigh farmers market is a great place to find new varieties to try, and the farmers are very helpful and ready to answer any questions you may have. Sadly, because of COVID, we can no longer sample all the varieties, but it’s still a wonderful afternoon outing. We love apples and eat them raw, but it is also so satisfying to cook with…

  • The Taste of Fall

    It’s officially Fall, though it looks a little different here in the South. It’s still 80º and the mosquitoes are still biting like ravenous vampires.  But I still love it.  I have purchased my mums and pumpkins for the front porch and am getting out the Fall garlands and wreaths. What really kicks off Fall in our house is the first batch of applesauce in the slow cooker.  Not only is it delicious, but it fills the house with an aroma that is better than anything Bath & Body Works can bottle. My favorite recipe starts with a trip to my beloved State Farmers Market in Raleigh.  There are many…