• Taking Grilled Cheese Up a Notch

    Last week, we took a day trip out of town to go see the Immersive VanGogh art exhibit in Charlotte, NC. The exhibit was very cool, bringing the famous artist’s works to life in a large warehouse at Charlotte’s CAMP North End event venue. The area gets it’s name from it’s past history as the Charlotte Area Munitions Plant. The group of warehouses has served many purposes over the years, most recently being turned into the public space it is today. It embraces it’s history, while providing exciting new spaces for art, work, food and play. We had tickets for the exhibit on a Monday, and it turns out many…

  • Breakfast for Lunch & Dinner

    I love breakfast. Eggs and bacon, crispy hashbrowns, omelettes, nice fluffy pancakes and waffles. If I am at a restaurant that serves lunch or breakfast food, I am always going to go for breakfast. While I love getting breakfast when eating out, we also have a tradition of a nice homemade breakfast on Saturday mornings. Of course, some Saturdays are too busy for that and all the clean up that comes after breakfast. But sometimes breakfast makes a great dinner, as it can be thrown together with little planning. You can even make your breakfast, lunch or dinner extra fancy with a few special ingredients. While dining out for lunch…

  • Ode to the Sandwich

    We take sandwiches seriously in our house – very seriously.  When done correctly, a sandwich can be a balanced meal.  Pair it with a salad or cup of soup to make it even more satisfying. My love of sandwiches comes from my family.  I learned early in life that the best sandwiches are built with loving care, lots of toppings and dripping with juicy tomatoes.  The goal should be to get a taste of each layer in every bite.  Go big or go home. Good bread is the foundation for a sandwich masterpiece.  I love sourdough, but rustic whole grain is right up there, too.  You can also decide to…