Ode to the Sandwich

We take sandwiches seriously in our house – very seriously.  When done correctly, a sandwich can be a balanced meal.  Pair it with a salad or cup of soup to make it even more satisfying.

My love of sandwiches comes from my family.  I learned early in life that the best sandwiches are built with loving care, lots of toppings and dripping with juicy tomatoes.  The goal should be to get a taste of each layer in every bite.  Go big or go home.

Good bread is the foundation for a sandwich masterpiece.  I love sourdough, but rustic whole grain is right up there, too.  You can also decide to toast your bread or keep it soft. There is no wrong answer.

Whatever kind of bread you choose, the next key ingredient is good condiments.  I am a mayo girl.  Now, this can be some muddy waters.  Some folks still prefer butter on their bread.  I am guessing this may be some persistent English habit that has held on in the memories of our ancestors, but I can’t prove that.  I do know that butter on a sandwich which contains meats and cheese is strange to me.  On a Peanut Butter and Jelly?  Sure.  But not on a ham and Swiss.

If you are with me and choose mayo, the next sticking point becomes what brand you prefer.  Some people are quite fanatical about this.  Some like Miracle Whip, some like Duke’s, the list goes on and on.  

Whichever brand you like is really not the point. What matters the most is that the mayonnaise is spread to every single corner and crust.  This may seem silly, but it is crucial for a perfect sandwich.  We had many discussions on this early in our marriage and my husband has come to see the light.

Mustards are also essential, though again, the brand and variety is completely personal.  Some sammies call for straight up yellow mustard, like a bologna and American cheese. Others require a bit more pizzazz, like Dijon or whole grain mustard.

The star of your sandwich is your meat and cheese.  I really love deli meat, the more meat the better.  Ham and turkey live in our refrigerator regularly, but I also love salami, corned beef and pastrami.  Bacon is also often invited to the party.

Choices of cheese are never-ending and can add a lot of flavor and dimension to your sandwich.  Pepperjack adds spice, muenster adds creaminess, provolone adds a touch of smoke.

To top off your perfect sandwich, you need delicious, ripe tomatoes, sliced pickles and crisp lettuce.  If your sandwich is not yet messy enough and you want some more zip, add some sliced banana peppers.  These are all personal additions, for instance my husband understands the mayo to the edges now, but will never understand why you would “ruin” a good sandwich with drippy tomatoes.  To each his own.

The “recipe” I am sharing with you today has evolved from the classic BLT.  We call it the BLATT sandwich.  This may not sound appetizing but it truly is a delicious combination of bacon, lettuce, avocado, turkey and tomato.

Start with a good bread, and spread with mayo and mustard.  I typically spread mustard on only one side of bread, but you do you.  For this sandwich, we like Dijon or Whole Grain German mustard. 

Crisp up your bacon and pat off the extra grease.  Microwave bacon works just fine for this, but if you have the time and desire for pan-fried, go for it.  Place the bacon on the bottom piece of bread.  I like about 4 pieces of bacon per Sammie.

Add the cheese on top of the bacon.  I like provolone with turkey and bacon, but any cheese will work.

Then thinly slice your ripe tomatoes and place them on top of your cheese.  Again, I like enough tomato to cover the whole sandwich so each bite gets some.

Next, add your layer of turkey deli meat, as much as you would like.  I used 4 thin slices.

Add the lettuce on top of the turkey, then thinly slice an avocado and place on the top of the lettuce, and put the top piece of bread on the completed sandwich.

You may think the placement of the components is unimportant, but I have spent much time perfecting the grip-to-slip factor in sandwiches.  Slippery items should be placed between more textured items like bacon and other meats.  Items like avocados and pickles are best place on the top slice of bread for the same reason.  No one wants a sandwich to fall apart after the first bite.

Serve your sandwich with a side of salad, soup or chips and your family will think they are eating at your favorite deli.

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