• Last Minute Goodies

    I must confess, March sure did sneak up on me. One minute it was wet and rainy February, then suddenly it’s March, with daffodils blooming and the sun shining – finally. With the first week of March comes my birthday, which also sneaks up on me faster each year. We are a little stir-crazy in our house, as we are still doing school virtually and my husband has permanently moved his office into the house. So, we are getting away for my birthday and I am very much looking forward to it. So much so, I almost forgot to cook something for the blog this week. Oops. I thought I…

  • Making the Best of It

    It is now mid-May and life is still quite strange. Our schools are now officially closed for the school year, while classes continue online. Restrictions are slowly being lifted, but more rules are being put in place when you are in public. While we can go to the grocery store, you are requested to wear a mask, and follow arrows and stand on the right Xs on the floor. It is still a bit overwhelming, so I do still love the luxury of Instacart. It is quite nice to order my groceries and have them delivered to my door within 3 hours. There are some hiccups in the system, though.…

  • Easy Pantry Meals

    At this point in the Corona Virus quarantine, many of us are beginning to get downright bored by the contents of our own pantries. Most of us have run through our old standbys and probably tried some new things here and there. But at the same time, groceries are still not back in stock like they were before. Meat in particular is hit or miss at most stores. This seems like a perfect time to mix it up with some meatless meals. One of our family favorites is meatless and uses pantry staples most people have on hand – perfect for this kind of circumstance. I found One Pan Mexican…

  • The Quarantine Continues

    Things are getting a little more intense with this Covid-19 virus. By the time you read this, our county will be under a stay-at-home order. Generally, this just means more caution and limiting leaving the house to necessary supply runs, etc. However, like most areas now, our supply chain is experiencing challenges. If you can find what you need in the stores, you are likely to find limits on how many of these items you can bring home. To try to avoid some of the craziness, I placed an order through Instacart for the first time ever. I ordered from Wegmans, one of my new favorite stores. I chose them…

  • Sanity-Saving Snacks

    I don’t think anyone will argue that these are trying times we are living in right now, with an international health crisis changing everything as we know it. When the news began to unfold, I was paying attention, but not panicking. I went to our local Costco last Tuesday and there were plenty of supplies, even with people beginning to stock up. I bought our normal amount of things, not for a moment thinking that by Thursday, the nation would have a shortage of toilet paper, cleaning supplies and many, many food items. With kids now home from school with no end date in sight and many parents working from…

  • Hurricane Snacks

    We are literally battening down the hatches here in North Carolina this week.  Hurricane Florence seems to be heading for us and the coast has already been evacuated. We live in the middle of the state, but will still be walloped by this storm system.  We are expecting LOTS of rain and strong winds, which in our neck of the woods means downed trees and loss of power. Like everyone else, we have removed all loose items from the yard and deck, we have strapped the deck furniture to the railings and stocked up on bread, water and batteries. But more importantly, we have stock piled some snacks that don’t…